
An overall description of grading scales, quality points, final exams, and more, can be found beginning on page 66 of the 2017-2018 Course Guide. We follow the rules and policies there.

For typical problems, we use:

The Standard Grading Rubric

Full Credit:
The solution is correct and complete. All calculations and explanations are shown and contain no logical or arithmetic errors. It is easy to follow the student's thinking.

Partial Credit:

The solution is incomplete. The calculation strategy is improper or the calculation contains mistakes. There are gaps in calculation or explanation, or the explanation is unclear.
No Credit:
The solution is missing or incorrect. Calculations and explanations are missing or incorrect. It is difficult or impossible to follow the student's thinking.

The score for each level varies from assignment to assignment. In some cases there may be no possibility for partial credit.


Components of the Each Quarter's Grade

The overall grading scheme for each course can be found by clicking the course name below.

Current student grades can be found by accessing ProgressBook.

Do Not Relay High-Stakes Work to Me

Unless submitted electronically, all major work assignments should be given to me in person. Daily classwork and homework are not “high-stakes,” these should be placed in the the inbox at the front of our classroom

Work placed on my desk, in my mailbox, either by a student or another teacher is submitted at the student's risk. Such work is counted as turned in if and when it is retrieved or received by me. If it ends up missing, it will not be counted — so I would advise any student taking a chance on this method to retain a photocopy of their work for themselves. Work relayed to me by someone other than the student follows the same rules, and carries the same risk.


Does This Ever Change?

Particular assignments may have an individualized scoring rubric, which is made available alongside the assignment.

In the unlikely case (it hasn't happened yet) that changes to these rules become needed during the school year, they will be announced in class and on online before going into effect.